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Product of the week: Orange Lipstick

Don't you just love colour! Especially when you can experiement with it in your makeup looks! My favorite makeup product this week that definately adds a gorgeous pop of colour is Orange lipstick! Sounds daring I know, but pair it with nude eyes and some mascara and it really works well, and you don't look out of place. Now when I say orange I do not mean Neon! Neon has been a trend recently but not anymore, now that natural beauty is back people are experimenting by adding pops of colour but still keeping the rest of the face natural. Why don't you try it, enjoy the attention, I certainly do! Now down to specifics, my favorite Orange lipstick at the moment is without a doubt 'Morange' by MAC, its got a nice creaminess to it and looks great on all skin colours! So you pale girls (like me) don't worry it won't wash you out! On the lips it gives a slight shine but if you want to add some more, top it off with some MAC's Clear Lipglass gloss and it gives it a whole new brillance. So off you go, try something new! and hey tell me what you think! Stay gorgeous x

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